Kick tails and mounting plates now available!
This mounting plate is designed to accommodate all RIKT kicktails. It comes with two screws and a hex head L key for mounting any RIKT kicktail, and 3M adhesive on the bottom which you can peel off to mount the mounting plate to your surfboard. Click here to watch a video that shows how to mount your mounting plate to your surfboard deck.
This mounting plate has a circular cut-out so it can be mounted as far back as the front edge of your leash plug, with the ramp extending up and over the leash plug, or as far forward as you want. Mounting as far back as possible results in sharper turns, allowing you to “whip” your board and shoot spray more easily than if you mount the mounting plate further forward. How aggressively you surf to a certain extend will determine the placement of your mounting plate. If you’re more of a smooth carver you may want it further forward. If you like to get vertical and execute very sharp snaps and turns shooting lots of spray, farther back would be a better choice.
Our flat top kick tail will improve the performance of your surfboard by allowing you to push harder against your tail when carving without falling.
Note: Keep shins and ankles away from kick tail when paddling, duck diving or hopping up to catch a wave.
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