Why ride a RIKT?

Because you’re gonna surf better. Installing a RIKT is an inexpensive, effective way to increase the performance of any surfboard. RIKT kick tails are super light weight, made from cutting-edge plastic technology that handle UV rays well, are very durable and are interchangeable. One RIKT can take the place of 10 traction pads on your next ten surfboards. Once you have RIKT mounting plates on your boards, you can easily switch kick tails to whatever board you want to surf on that day. Even in the future surfers will appreciate saving money which is why after you’ve purchased your first RIKT and mounting plate, setting up additional boards for a RIKT will cost about half of what you’d spend for a traction pad.

RIKT kick tails are angled at 33.25 degrees – the perfect angle for your back foot to be planted on and they’re wider than your foot so you have a 100% connection to your board. Surfing flat-footed on a surfboard is a thing of the past. Power carves and explosive snaps with a RIKT are much easier because your back foot has a ramp to push against. You’re gonna surf better with a RIKT than with a traditional traction pad because you can push harder on your tail knowing you’re not gonna slip off.

A RIKT uses wax for grip so there’s no need for any foam on your deck. But some of you are so used to the feel of EVA foam you’re gonna want that option so we’ve designed a pad that goes in front of a RIKT so you can have the power of a RIKT along with the familiar feel of foam under your feet. A RIKT with a front pad is the most technologically advanced traction system you can find. Nothing comes close.

You can mount your RIKT father back than an old fashioned traction pad because the RIKT kicktail goes up and over the leash plug. The farther back you mount your RIKT, the sharper your turning radius will be for explosive snaps and turns. If you mount your RIKT more towards the front of your board and farther from your tail, your board will feel more stable, but the turning radius won’t be as tight. The cool thing is that you can mount your RIKT wherever you want depending on your level of surfing and how you like to surf. If you change your mind about where you mounted your RIKT, you can remove the RIKT mounting plate, remove the old adhesive, stick on new adhesive and remount the mounting plate to wherever you like, a feat that is impossible to do with an old fashioned traction pad. Note: you can only re-position your RIKT if you haven’t installed a RIKT front pad.

Click here to watch this video that explains in detail why you’re gonna surf better with a RIKT.

RIKT kick tails come in two varieties: Flat Top and Vertical Rise.

The Flat Top kick tail is a great transition from an old fashioned traction pad. The vertical rise kick tail creates a pocket for your foot that makes it almost impossible to slip off the back of your board no matter how hard you push.

If you want to take your surfing to the next level and get better performance out of every surfboard in your quiver it’s a no brainer – you wanna start riding a RIKT.